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The CloudStorage provides the core functionality of the library. File operations loosely follow the conventions of Node's fs.

import { CloudStorage } from 'react-native-cloud-storage';



When a method takes a path parameter, you should provide a full path with a leading slash, but no trailing slashes:

  • some/file.txt
  • file:///some/file.txt
  • /some/directory/
  • /some/file.txt
  • /some/directory

Because of legacy reasons, the library will also accept paths without a leading slash and will automatically prefix it with one. However, this will generate a warning and may be removed in a future version.


When creating files or directories, always make sure that all directories in the tree already exist. Otherwise the library will throw a CloudStorageErrorCode.DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND.


appendFile(path, data, scope)

Appends the data to the file at the given path. Creates the file if it doesn't exist yet.


  • path (string): Required. The path including the filename to append data to.
  • content (string): Required. The content to append.
  • scope (CloudStorageScope): Optional. The storage scope (documents/app data) to use. Defaults to CloudStorageScope.AppData, unless the default scope has been changed via setDefaultScope().

Returns: A Promise that resolves to void once the data has been appended.

downloadFile(path, scope)

When a file has been uploaded to iCloud, it is not immediately synced across devices. In this case, those files will have an .icloud extension, so trying to read them will fail. This method will download the file from iCloud so you can safely process it afterwards. If it has already been downloaded, this will not do anything and immediately return. Does not have any effect on Google Drive.


Returns: A Promise that resolves to void once the download has been triggered.

exists(path, scope)

Tests whether or not the file or directory at the given path exists.


Returns: A Promise that resolves to a boolean. true if a file or directory exists at the given path, false otherwise.


Gets the currently stored default CloudStorageScope (see setDefaultScope()).


Gets the currently stored Google Drive access token (see setGoogleDriveAccessToken()).

Returns: A Promise that resolves to the string value of the access token, or null if it hasn't been set so far.


Tests whether or not the cloud storage is available. On iOS, this actually verifies with the system whether or not iCloud is available. This might not be the case right at app launch or when the user is not logged into iCloud. On all other platforms, this simply checks whether or not a Google Drive API access token has been set using setGoogleDriveAccessToken.

Returns: A Promise that resolves to a boolean. true if the cloud storage is available, false otherwise.

mkdir(path, scope)

Creates a new directory at the given path.


  • path (string): Required. The path of the new directory to create. All parent directories must already exist.
  • scope (CloudStorageScope): Optional. The storage scope (documents/app data) to use. Defaults to CloudStorageScope.AppData, unless the default scope has been changed via setDefaultScope().

Returns: A Promise that resolves once the directory has been created.

readdir(path, scope)

Reads the files and directories contained in the directory at the given path. Does not include . and .. entries.


Returns: A Promise that resolves to an array of strings containing the names of the files and directories in the given directory.

readFile(path, scope)

Reads the file at the given path into a string.


Returns: A Promise that resolves to a string containing the file's content.

rmdir(path, options, scope)

Deletes the directory at the given path. Can optionally delete the directory including all its contents (recursively).

  • path (string): Required. The full pathname of the directory to delete.
  • options ({ recursive?: boolean }): Optional. An object containing the recursive property which, if set to true, will delete the directory including all its contents (recursively). If set to false (or omitted), the library will throw a CloudStorageErrorCode.DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY if the directory is not empty. Defaults to { recursive: false }.
  • scope (CloudStorageScope): Optional. The storage scope (documents/app data) to use. Defaults to CloudStorageScope.AppData, unless the default scope has been changed via setDefaultScope().

Returns: A Promise that resolves once the directory has been deleted.



Sets the default CloudStorageScope to use when no scope is explicitly provided to a method. Defaults to CloudStorageScope.AppData.

The default scope is stored statically and therefore only needs to be provided once but is available throughout the whole project.


  • scope (CloudStorageScope): Required. The default storage scope to use for all methods when no scope is explicitly provided.

Returns: void


Provide a valid Google Drive access token to the library which in order to make calls to the Google Drive API.

The access token is stored statically and therefore only needs to be provided once (until the token expires!) but is available throughout the whole project.


  • accessToken (string | null): Required. The access token to use, or null to clear the currently stored access token.

Returns: void


If enabled, the library will throw before a file operation if there are multiple files with the given path found. Does not have any effect on iOS. Enabling this will disable any subscribers created via subscribeToFilesWithSameName(). For more information, see here.


Sets the timeout for fetch operations on Google Drive API.


  • timeout (number): Required. The timeout after which requests to the Google Drive API are aborted. Defaults to 3000 milliseconds.

Returns: void

stat(path, scope)

Gets several file statistics of the file at the given path.


Returns: A Promise that resolves to CloudStorageFileStat object containing the statistics.


Creates a subscription that receives events when files with the same filename in the same parent directory are detected. Does not fire anything on iOS. For more information, see here.


  • subscriber (({ path: string, fileIds: string[] }) => void): A callback which is fired when files with the same filenames were detected during a file operation. The callback will include an object which includes the path of the files and an array of fileIds from the Google Drive API.

Returns: An object which contains a remove() method to unsubscribe again.

unlink(path, scope)

Deletes the file at the given path.


Returns: A Promise that resolves to void once the file has been deleted.

writeFile(path, data, scope)

Writes the data to the given path. Creates the file if it doesn't exist yet and overwrites it otherwise.


  • path (string): Required. The path including the filename to write to.
  • content (string): Required. The content to write.
  • scope (CloudStorageScope): Optional. The storage scope (documents/app data) to use. Defaults to CloudStorageScope.AppData, unless the default scope has been changed via setDefaultScope().

Returns: A Promise that resolves to void once the file has been written.